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Civil Jury System Symposium

March 29, 2005
Westminster Hall
University of MD School of Law

Jury Commissioners and Clerks of Court group photo
Jury Commissioners and Clerks of Court
“Making the Cut”
“Making the Cut”
Judge Dana Levitz, Judge Ruth Jakubowski;
Judge Dennis Sweeney; Leslie Russo; Barbara Ayres
“Getting Them & Holding Them”
“Getting Them & Holding Them”
Charles Arcodia; Robert Zarbin; DanielMoore;
Robert Michael; Shadonna Hale; Ronald Matlon
“Nature v. Nurture”
“Nature v. Nurture”
Michael Baxter; Judge Richard Sothoron; Robert Michael
“Who Are These Jurors Anyway”
“Who Are These Jurors Anyway”
Nancy Tilton (Jury Commissioner, Baltimore Co.);
Steven Merson (Howard Co.); Nancy Galvin (Mont. Co.);
George Tolley

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