Maryland Defense Counsel, Inc. Promoting justice. Providing solutions

Fall 2012
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The Defense Line: Fall 2012

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Membership is open to practicing attorneys who devote the majority of their litigation-related time to the defense of civil litigation. The cost is $150.

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The Defense Line: A Publication From The Maryland Defense Counsel, Inc.

President’s Message

50: The Stones, The Beach Boys, The Beltway and MDC

Mary Malloy Dimaio, Esquire, Maher & AssociatesMary Malloy Dimaio, Esquire,
Maher & Associates

This is what 50 looks like. In 1962, not only did the Rolling Stones and the Beach Boys start recording and touring, but 695 was completed, John Glenn piloted the first orbit around the globe, James Bond first came to the silver screen, and MDC was born. (So was I.)

Looking back, our members recall the battles over various tort reform measures, including the caps and the statutory requirements of experts in medical malpractice cases, and the case law they spawned. Contrib and assumption of the risk once had a solid foothold in Maryland law, but attitudes about their roles and viability are changing. Think of how lawyers research, communicate, gather and present evidence now compared to 50 years ago. Think of who “we” are: Diverse by ethnicity, color and gender. It is fitting that the shorthand for our side of the “v.” is Δ, Delta, a letter in the Greek alphabet and a mathematical symbol for change. Change is our constant.

I joined MDC as a new lawyer because the people for whom I worked in a small firm in Baltimore were members. Like pro bono, it’s what was done. I hope it is still that way. For several years, my concept of MDC was a couple of brown bag seminar lunches a year and a fantastic crab feast each June. Only when I joined the Board did I realize how much work goes on. Through our Judicial Selections Committee, we help choose future judges in circuit and appellate courts throughout our state. Our Appellate Committee and others help inform the debate in significant cases on appeal via amicus briefs and oral argument. Through our Legislative Committee and lobbying efforts, we help shape legislation of interest to our members and clients. MDC’s hard work has paid off: Our generous sponsors help us bring to fruition quality educational programs to increasing numbers of attendees; we continue to welcome increasing participation in our events by state and federal judges; and members of the local press seek input by our organization on breaking opinions and developing legislation.

We’ve come a long way. And there’s more to do.

Looking forward, we would like to continue to be the reasonable go-to people the legislature, the judiciary and the media rely upon for insight into developing legal issues. We’d like to continue to present the “other side of the story” for consideration in these matters in order to promote justice and fairness. As we develop programs and publications to address how we evaluate and resolve problems in a changing legal environment, we would like to hear from you. What are your ideas and concerns? What can we do for you?

Please give me a call or shoot me an email. We need to get started on the next 50.


Trial Academy: April 11, 2013


Maryland Defense Counsel, Inc.
1218 Broadway Rd.
Lutherville, MD 21093
Phone 410-560-3895
Fax 443-705-0217