HistoryAffiliate with MDC’s long history of valuable service. The organization was founded in 1962, with an initial membership of thirty Baltimore lawyers. Today, the MDC is a statewide bar association with 500 members, one of the larger civil defense attorney organizations in the country and a respected resource in civil litigation defense.
Reasons to Join MDC1. Share Information and Expertise with Member Information ExchangeJoin forces with attorneys facing the same issues and challenges—MDC has practice groups geared to key substantive areas of the law. An email distribution list allows members to share and obtain information, experience and learning on expert witnesses and other tips. Members may access an online list of experts with links to defense attorneys who, in their experience, have culled information on those experts in a variety of areas that may be helpful in choosing or examining witnesses. 2. Preserve Your Edge with MDC’s Newsletter and Educational ProgramsThe Defense Line contains member-written articles on substantive law and procedural developments that affect your practice. The newsletter includes feature articles on significant court decisions, provides analysis of statewide and national trends, and highlights members' litigation successes through the “Spotlights” section. Training programs on defending civil lawsuits are held periodically to enhance our members' professional skills. 3. Network to Retain and Expand Your Client BaseColleagues from across the state gather for the Annual Meeting and Crab Feast every spring on the waterfront in Baltimore. Through our affiliation with the Defense Research Institute, Inc., www.dri.org, we also link our members into a national network of defense attorneys and provide notice of programs around the country. 4. Market Your Practice Through the MDC DirectoryWe’ve made it easier for clients and lawyers throughout Maryland and across the country to find you, identify your practice areas and be in touch with you through an expanded on-line member directory. In addition to publicizing your areas of concentration, each member's listing contains the county in which your principle office is located and provides a direct link to you and your firm's web address. 5. Meet the JudgesThrough Tips From The Bench brown bag lunches, dinner meetings
featuring remarks from trial and appellate judges, and our annual past
presidents reception, MDC fosters communication between the defense
bar and the Maryland judiciary. MDC members serve on joint bench/bar
committees to address current issues concerning the administration of
the civil justice system. 6. Rally the Resources of the Appellate Practice CommitteeMDC brings the defense perspective to the appellate courts through briefs amicus curiae. Members have access to the Appellate Practice Committee for their cases involving issues of importance to the defense bar. 7. Champion Defense Bar Positions in the LegislatureThe Legislation Committee coordinates our massive efforts to promote defense bar interests before the Legislature. MDC members monitor legislation, prepare reports and testify before the Maryland General Assembly. The MDC also employs a professional lobbyist to assist in the presentation of defense bar positions. 8. Promote a Balanced Perspective on Civil Litigation OutcomesTo ensure a diverse and qualified bench, our active Judicial Selections Committee participates in the judicial selection process by interviewing judicial applicants throughout the state and making non-partisan recommendations for judicial appointments to the Governor.
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